

dear ibu andang dan pak wied
saya mo tanya lagi nih, biar gak tersesat
# kalau mau puasa, sebelum tidur biasanya saya minum jus wortel yang di blender ditambah perasan jeruk nipis. gpp ya? ada pengaruhnya gak? kalau sempet sahur sih cuma minum air putih aja.
terima kasih
salam sehat

Gak papa. Tapi sorenya sudah makan kan?

iya, sorenya saya makan… kira2 jam 8an gitu deh soalnya sempetnya jam segitu. gimana bu?
Ok yang penting sore atau malam sebelum puasa sudah makan. Sahur hanya air putih saja tidak apa2. Rasulullah kan juga pernah bilang sahur minum air putih saja tidak apa2..


Milk - Something Very Bad Has Happened

Milk - Something Very Bad Has Happened
And We May Never Learn The Truth From The FDA

By Robert Cohen
[email protected]

Something Very Bad Has Happened and we may never learn the truth from FDA.
I often see the clues, hear the rumors, and examine the facts long before newspapers get the first inkling of a story. My advice for you today is sell Monsanto stock short.
Good news for consumers is bad news for Monsanto.
Very shortly, perhaps in just a few weeks, cows sent to slaughter will have to be separated into two lines–those treated with the genetically engineered bovine growth hormone and those not receiving injections of Posilac. USDA will mandate this because of some very serious news.
The first rumors came out of the state of Kentucky on Monday. Representatives of dairy co-ops have been telling dairy farmers that cows treated with Posilac have been developing bone cancers. I have received this news from a very good authority, although I am not at liberty to reveal my source. Let’s call him Mr. W.M.
What could be worse? I have a copy of a letter that Monsanto mailed to its dairy farmer customers on December 19, 2003. On that date, Monsanto shocked farmers by alerting them to the fact that Posilac would be in limited supply until:
“Conditions and improvements in manufacturing are made…”
Monsanto is accepting no new customers, and anticipated their “shortfall” to last for “several months.”
I have just learned (another rumor) that Florida farmers are being warned that Monsanto will cut back Posilac distribution to 50% or less on or about March 1, 2004.
All of genetic engineering and biotechnology was based upon the safety of Posilac. We naive Americans have been part of an experiment, and are learning that Posilac may have compromised the safety of rbST-treated cows and humans who consume hormone-rich body fluids from these cows.
Ex-Surgeon General C. Everett Koop was hired by Monsanto to tell Americans on February 6, 1994:
“Milk from cows given supplemental bovine somatotropin is the same as any other milk…Unfortunately, a few fringe groups are using misleading statements and blatant falsehoods as part of a long-running campaign to scare consumers about a perfectly safe food.”
The following day, Monsanto scientist Bernard Violand submitted a paper to the Journal of Protein Science admitting that Posilac contained many different “freak amino acids.” That paper was stamped “received” by the journal on Thursday, February 10, 1994, and published on July 6, 1994.
Monsanto fixed the errors. FDA now knows of those mistakes because my whistle broke windows. During the process of developing a new technology to filter out those freak amino acids, Monsanto never alerted FDA as to the nature of their error. Had they done so, such honesty would have cost Monsanto over $500 million. Monsanto should have repeated the research because every scientific paper submitted to FDA was performed on animals with a different formula than the one currently on the market.
Monsanto’s actions are criminal. So are FDA’s. We know the perps. Look at your kids. Look at your friends and relatives. They are the victims.
Robert Cohen http://www.notmilk.com > >




Salam kenal,

Saya mengenal program FC beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya sudah mencoba memulai program FC beberapa kali tetapi selalu terhenti ditengah jalan.
Saya menderita sakit maag yang cukup parah, sehingga setiap kali saya mencoba makan banyak sayur-sayuran maka yang terjadi adalah perut saya terasa kembung.

Mungkin ada saran dari pak Wied maupun rekan-rekan milis FC, tentang jenis sayur yang sebaiknya saya makan atau kiat-kiat lainnya agar saya dapat melaksanakan FC dengan benar dan tak terhenti lagi.

Terima kasih banyak atas saran-sarannya.




Dear Rekan Budi dan FCer

Apa anda sakit maag atau kembung? kalau makan sayur tergantung sayur apa yang dimakan shg merasakan kembung,, kalau makan, buncis, kacang2an, bawang,, dll bisa menyebabkan kembung walaupun tak ada maag.. begitu juga buah2an,, bisa juga,, karena itu sifat dari sayur2an dan buah2an masing2,,…
Nah kalau sakit maag,, biasanya itu terjadi karena sering stress dan marah2.. atau sedih,,

saya jelaskan ya dengan bahasa yang sederhana agar bisa dimengerti

Didalam organ kita,, antara leher dan pencernaan makanan ada saluran,,, nah diluar saluran pencernaan makanan itu ,, disekitarnya ada zat yang buat mencernakan makanan.. nah itu acid nya keras sekali,, kalau kita masukan tangan kita di acid itu tangan sudah habis,,, dan Tuhan itu hebat sehingga itu tidak mempengaruhi yang lain… nah,,, acid itu dilapisi sekitar nya,, dinding2 nya kuat sekali,,, nah kalau ada stress, sakit, marah2, atau sedih, ,, acid ini ikut naik,,dan melukai dinding di perut,, karena pertahanan dinding itu abis/melemah gara2 stress, sedih, marah,,, dll,,,dan terkena acid itu,, sehingga menyebabkan luka di dinding perut,, lambat laun luka yang belum di obati bisa menyebabkan maag,,alias perih, makanya kalau orang marah2,, stress kan suka sakit perut,,, karena ya akibat pertahanan perutnya kena acid,,, Nah,, orang suka bilang karena makan ngga teratur,,, sebetulnya bukan itu penyebabnya,, makanya kalau minum jeruk sih ngga apa2,, banyak yang malah menduga jeruk merusak maag… itu salah,..memang sakit sedikit karena ngga biasa tapi lama2 jeruk berfaedah sekali di dalam badan kita terutama yang ada asam urat,, air jeruk ya nipis ya limau ya sejenisnya,, mengandung acid yang bisa melelehkan crystal2 timbunan uric acid ,, saya pernah mempunyai pembantu yang kena lupus,, dan athritis,, sehingga jari2 nya terutama jempol nya tidak bisa di tekuk kan,,, jadi kaku dan sakit sekali,, lalu saya anjurkan minum air jeruk nipis,, 1 biji,, dan air hangat,, lalu ditambah dengan maple syrup,,, (* yang asli,, bukan yang palsu,, dan saya tidak menganjurkan gula putih,, kalau gula merah boleh saja tapi yang paling baik ya maple syrup.. dari pohon maple,, apa ya bahasa indo nya??? ) nah dalam 5 minggu saja,, jempol2 dia bisa di tekuk2,, wahhh senang sekali dianya,, sehingga bisa mijitin
tadinya sih ora gelem,, maklum,, dia ngga percaya, tapi setelah saya paksain,, sampai saya bikinkan,, akhirnya dia sungkan sendiri,, dan membuat sendiri,, bukan saja jempol yang sembuh,, tapi juga nyeri2 di bahu,,(*bursitis dan lupus nya bisa di kendalikan,, karena saya pertinggikan immune system dia juga,,,)

Nah anda harus focus bagaimana menyembuhkan luka2 itu???

Saya tahu Lidah buaya itu bagus buat luka2,, kalau anda ada luka2 di luar kan pakai lidah buaya,, apalagi kena kebakaran… nah apalagi didalam,, cuma lidah buaya sifatnya dingin,, ngga boleh dimakan 100 % sedangkan lidah buaya di pasaran,,kebanyakan 2 % lidah buaya 98 % air saja… jadi kurang efektif,, makanya perusahaan kami ada lidah buaya 50 % dan 50 % dicampur dengan ginseng,, karena lidah buaya sifatnya dingin dan ginseng sifatnya panas… jadi balance.. khasiatnya luar biasa sekali…

saya sudah berkecimpung 13 tahun di bidang ini.,. dan melihat faedah lidah buaya dan yang lain2 nya,, luar biasa sekali,, asal tahu kegunaannya dan jeli2 membaca ingredients product.,..

Sekian penjelasan saya dan semoga bermanfaat…

Salam sehat dan damai

InDra - California


Can a vegetable cure cancer?

We all know that vegetables are good for us — but some are better than others. A diet rich in leafy green vegetables, for example, can almost halve the risk of colon cancer, scientists at Liverpool University reported recently.Listed below are some of the top ‘super veggies’ — along with the ailments they can heal or prevent. 

Protects against
Colon cancer, breast cancer
According to research at Liverpool University, broccoli and other leafy greens contain a fibre rich in the sugar galactose, which could help prevent proteins called lectins from binding to the lining of the colon and causing damage.Broccoli and other cruciferous family vegetables are also rich in indole compounds — plant chemicals which seem to modify oestrogen metabolism, decreasing the risk of breast cancer. Two out of three studies examining the relationship between breast cancer and cruciferous vegetables found that high consumption decreased the risk by 40 per cent. A compound called sulphorophane in broccoli also stimulates the production of liver enzymes which destroy cancer-causing chemicals.  

Protect against Cancer, heart disease
One of the main active ingredients in tomatoes is the phytochemical lycopene, which fights free radicals that can cause cancer. According to a review in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, people who eat a lot of tomato-based foods can reduce their risk of developing various cancers by 40 per cent.The evidence for tomatoes’ beneficial effect is strongest for cancers of the prostate, lung and stomach, but it can also be shown for the colon, pancreas, oesophagus, oral cavity, breast and cervix. Processing tomatoes into ketchup, purée or sauce increases the availability of lycopene by softening tough plant cell walls.Research studying more than 1,000 US and European men found those with the highest levels of lycopene were about half as likely to have had a heart attack.   CABBAGE
Protects against Stomach ulcers, colon cancer, breast cancer 
Cabbage is claimed to ease stomach ulcers due to the presence of glutamine and of s-methylmethionine.The folk remedy is to drink a couple of pints of cabbage juice a day, but freshly made cabbage soup is a far more palatable alternative. As a member of the cruciferous family of vegetables, cabbage is also likely to prevent colon cancer and breast cancer.One US study showed people who ate cabbage more than once a week reduced their chance of contracting bowel cancer by two-thirds, though other studies haven’t shown such conclusive results. 

Protect against Cancer, birth defects, heart disease
Another member of the cruciferous vegetable family, Brussels sprouts contain the potent anti-cancer compound sinigrin which ‘persuades’ pre-cancerous cells to commit suicide — a natural process called apoptosis.According to scientists at the Institute of Food Research in Norwich, the effect is so powerful that even the occasional meal of sprouts can destroy these cells. Unfortunately for sprouthaters, the milder the sprout, the less potent the anti-cancer effect.However, all sprouts are an excellent source of folate (the food form of folic aid) and can help reduce the risk of birth defects if eaten prior to and during pregnancy. Folate also reduces levels of a heart disease risk factor in the blood called homocysteine. 

Protects against Cataracts and macular degeneration
Two antioxidants in spinach — lutein and zeaxanthin — seem to protect against age-related eye diseases, including cataracts as well as macular degeneration.It is thought the two phytochemicals — found in concentrated amounts in the retina — neutralise harmful free radicals generated in the eye through sun exposure. In one American study, people who ate spinach five to six times a week had an 86 per cent lower risk of having advanced macular degeneration.  
Protect against High cholesterol, heart attack, hay fever, cancer, inflammation
The sulphur compounds in garlic mean that a regular intake can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce blood clotting. In a study at Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary, onions eaten with a breakfast fry-up reversed the normal tendency of the blood to clot after a fatty meal.Garlic also displays immune-boosting, anti-bacterial, decongestive and anti-cancer properties. A recent study of women in Iowa, US, found that those who ate garlic more than once a week were only half as likely as non-garlic eaters to develop colon cancer.Yellow, and especially red (but not white), onions provide very high levels of quercetin, an antioxidant of the flavonoid family. Quercetin is believed to help quell inflammation (for example of the joints) and allergic reactions (for example hay fever), as well as reduce the incidence of heart attacks.Frying onions does not reduce their quercetin content.  CARROTS
Protect against Poor night vision, colds, cancer
Carrots are the richest single source of beta carotene, which has an immune-stimulating and anti-cancer effect — probably through mopping up excess free radicals which cause cell mutation.Beta carotene can also be converted into vitamin A, essential for the eyes to see in dim light. Vitamin A also helps to keep the mucus passages in the mouth, nose and throat healthy, decreasing the risk of catching colds and flu.  

Protect against Colds, cancer
Red peppers are a rich source of vitamin C and beta carotene — boosting the immune system and protecting against everything — from colds to cancer. To increase their effect, eat them cooked or chargrilled. Heat softens the peppers’ cell walls, allowing more of the beta carotene to be released.     



FC Untuk Hamil dan Menyusui (3)



Selama ini saya member pasif & blum mempraktekkan FC (( sbnernya pengiin banget bisa ngelakuin FC tapi bingung mo mulainya darimana… 

Saya seorang ibu 29th sedang menyusui (Full ASI) dg baby 4bulan (Insya Allah penginnya bisa terus Full ASI sampe 6bulan dan terus menyusui sampai 2tahun nanti).
Masalahnya sekarang BB saya masih blum turun2 semenjak melahirkan (masih nyisa 20kg hiks….) 

Mohon sarannya dari ibu Andang/pak Wied maupun rekan2 yang lain untuk memulai program FC dan menu sehat apa yang mesti saya makan dengan pertimbangan saya masih menyusui dan agar produksi ASInya tidak berkurang (syukur2 jadi nambah hehehe) 

Terima kasih banyak sblumnya,
-Bunda Anya- 


Salam kenal juga Mbak….. 

Saya mau sharing…..
Saya pernah naik 27kg waktu hamil, selama menyusui, saya pernah berusaha untuk menurunkan berat badan, tapi akibatnya air susu saya jumlahnya jadi menurun, sampai akhirnya saya diberi buku FC karangan Mbak Andang oleh kenponakan, hari itu juga saya baca sampai habis dan keesokan harinya saya peraktekkan dengan semampu saya, kaget sekali dalam hitungan tidak sampai satu minggu, air susu saya sangat melimpah cukup untuk menyusui bayi kembar saya sehingga terus saya menjalani FC dan juga pelan tapi pasti berat badan saya turun….sampai sekarang saya masih menjalankan FC, walau kadang2 nakal juga sih….:-)) 

Semoga membantu……… 

Salam FCI
ygmasihberfcsampai sekarang